

        ~Titans (巨人 Kyojin?, lit. "Giant") are the primary antagonists in the Attack on Titan series. They are a mysterious race of humanoid giants that appeared roughly 100 years ago (107 years is the most specific number given during Eren Yeager's training) and rapidly exterminated humanity to the point of near-extinction. If put into a calculable perspective, the Titans first appeared between Years 728 and 743. Their origins, overall numbers, and how their physiology works remains a mystery at this point in the story.

Types of Titans

        Titans are classified according to their size and abilities. The following are lists of various known Titans so far in the series.

Typical Titans
3-6 Meter Class
Roughly three meters to six meters in height, these Titans tend to be more human-looking, possessing large heads in proportion to their bodies. So far, none of this type have displayed any intelligence or unusual abilities.
Notable Titans of this type:
  • "Sonny"
3-5 Meter Class
7 Meter Class
These types of Titans have very large heads with a semi-quadrupedal, ape-like stance. Arguably the most common Titan class.
Notable Titans of this type:
  • "Bean"
7 m titan
8-14 Meter Class
These Titans resemble humans the most. They seem to be more energetic and physically fit than other Titans.
Notable Titans of this type:
  • "Smiling Titan"
Shingeki no Kyojin - 01 - Large 36
15 Meter Class
Among the largest of the Titans, these Titans have more proportional bodies but with also grossly enlarged mouths. 
15 Meter Class

Unsual Titans
Deviant (Abnormal or Aberrant) Type
Any Titan that displays abnormal behavior or intelligence is classed as Deviant type. Unlike most Titans which mindlessly attack and devour humans on sight, Deviant types often ignore nearby humans and charge to more important locations where they can do more damage. Some Deviant types possess noticeable physical deformations, such as lacking skin in certain areas or carrying less weight than others.
An Abnormal Titan
Wall Titans
First discovered inside Wall Sina when the Female Titan tries to escape over it. These type of Titans have a similar appearance to the Colossal Titan and can be found inside the walls. Although they appear to be alive, they are weakened and immobile due to lack of sunlight.
The Wall Titan
Titan Shifter
Titan Shifters are humans capable of transforming into Titans who have various unusual traits and skills that can be honed and directed with purpose. These Titans are usually stronger and/or faster than typical ones and retain their intelligence during a controlled transformation. They generally don't have any deformations that hinder their skills, and often resemble their human "pilot." A skilled Titan Shifter can more quickly and regenerate parts of their body just by focusing, and even discard their body entirely and regain a new Titan form within minutes.
Notable Titans of this type:
  • "Colossal Titan"
  • "Armored Titan"
  • "Rogue Titan"
  • "Female Titan"
  • "Dancing Titan"
Eren the Titan Shifter
Beast Titan
Appears first during the breach of Wall Rose. This Titan is at least 17 meters tall. Its appearance is similar to that of an ape and its body is covered in hair. It has incredibly long arms, (over 2/3 its body length) and is capable of climbing the walls. It possesses intelligence and is capable of talking to humans. It doesn't seem to have the same weakness to lack of sunlight as typical Titans. It can intimidate other typical Titans into submission, as well as manipulate them to move and attack during the night. 
Beast Titan

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